• Delivering sustainably across Asia

Fair & Safe Workplaces

We aim to harness our strengths, our global networks, our knowledge, and our people to make scalable and sustainable positive impact. We are committed to creating safe and fair workplaces and focus our initiatives on three pillars: Safety, Health and Wellbeing, Responsible Recruitment, and Inclusion and Diversity.
target gender ratio by 2030

Our Approach to Sustainability

Our vision is to create sustainable logistics solutions that support safe and fair workplaces and build environmental resilience in our products and services.

We measure and manage our greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and waste though our supply chain, and have set science-based reduction goals.

We are expanding our hybrid and electric owned-vehicle fleet. In Hong Kong, we have replaced all EURO I, EURO II or EURO III with electric or lower carbon emission vehicles.

We are investing in solar PV systems with a combined annual energy production of  5,100,000 kWh, equivalent to 5,310 tons of CO2 reduction.

We provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, contractors, and supply chain partners. Our comprehensive tracking mechanism helps us continually improve the working environment and raise standards.

We are committed to an inclusive workplace, where diversity of gender, ethnicity, thought, age, sexual orientation and ability are valued. We celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive environment.

Ending modern slavery in our industry is critical. Our multi-language program helps raise awareness of the risk indicators of modern slavery and forced labor, and our role in its prevention.

Our progress reports

We believe in measured, sustainable growth that supports safe and fair workplaces, builds environmental resilience into the products and services we provide for our customers, and brings about change in our industry.

Our Partnerships

We are involved in a range of initiatives that bring our customers, industry partners and communities together to effect change.